Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Change of Plans!

We have decided to drop the idea of filming a 70's horror trailer due to issue of actually getting all actors and props to the wood on a Saturday morning, but to now instead shoot an ordinary corny horror flick in the basement of our school which to be perfectly honest is scary enough without any killers lurking about. We're planning to use a gasmask to mask our killer giving him a rather soulless look, just generally no identity which already sets us on edge. We've already filmed a small portion of the opening and must now press on to meet our deadline.

1 comment:

  1. Is it scary? If you put up a few stills, we'd be able to judge for ourselves if you'd chosen wisely.

    Also it'd be worth making connection to other masked horror movie killers and use some visual material as an example. Maybe you looked at other sorts of masks. Presumably you didn't just think of using the gas mask just because it was there.
